Introducing Cincy AI Week (June 11 - 13)

We are proud to announce Cincy AI Week is coming to Cincinnati, OH June 11th, 12th, and 13th at Union Hall (1311 Vine Street.) Presented by Enterprise Technology Association, The Cincinnati AI Catalyst, and a coalition of community partners. Cincinnati’s AI Week is your gateway to the future of artificial intelligence. Join us as we explore the possibilities, navigate the challenges, and drive innovation forward — together!

Click here to register and discover ways to get involved with Cincy AI Week.

Each day will feature speakers, panels, lunch and learn sessions, workshops, and featured presentations. Each day with have a specific area of focus:

  • Day One: Responsible AI; AI Policy, Governance, and Ethics

  • Day Two: Ai Research & Innovation; Startup Showcase

  • Day Three: AI Leadership Summit; AI For Teams and Organizations

Outside of the programming scheduled at Union Hall, There will be a number of special events throughout the week, including:

  • AI Woodstock Social Event (6/11 4pm)

  • Startup Showcase (6/12 2pm)

  • VIP Reception (6/12 6pm)

  • Women in Tech Breakfast (6/13 830am)

Announcement Schedule:

  • Phase One: May 7-10 (Events and Programs)

  • Phase Two: May 16-17 (Speakers and Sponsors)

  • Phase Three: June 6-7 (Program Previews)

Event Sponsors and Partners Include:

  • Enterprise Technology Association (Cincy AI Week Co-Host)

  • Cincinnati AI Catalyst (Cincy AI Week Co-Host)

  • Nexigen (Day 2 Presenting Sponsor)

  • Callibrity (Day 3 Presenting Sponsor)

  • GAI Insights

  • Cintrifuse

  • Alta Fiber

  • Pieces for Developers

  • Custom GPT

  • Narratize

  • Microsoft

  • AWS

  • and more TBA!

Registration is required. space is limited. thanks to community sponsors, all events are free to attend.


Program Preview and Phase 2 Announcements for Cincy AI Week